In the South African digital marketing industry, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already become an integral part of the landscape. AI (in its various formats) is no longer a ‘nice to have’ tool – it has become essential in how digital marketing campaigns are created, monitored and improved upon.
AI tools can help digital marketing consultants work smarter and faster, enabling them to be more strategic and more efficient. Firstly, AI tools can help identify more efficient targeting options and possibilities, allowing consultants to capitalise on more specific demographics, behaviours and interests. AI tools can also help digital marketing consultants by allowing for the automation of processes, and will even be able to suggest formulaic data-justified strategies.
Bark Consulting embraces AI
Industry Impact – Current & Future
AI will completely change digital marketing by 2023. In a study by Salesforce, it was found that the majority of marketers believe that AI will have a significant impact on their business within the next three years. Furthermore, AI/Machine Learning was singled out by Statista as the most impactful disruptive technology of modern times. At Bark Consulting, we couldn’t agree more. In fact, we’re already using AI to our advantage. This very article is evidence of that – roughly 70% of this article was written by AI.
Notably for the Ecommerce industry, AI will become the key to understanding and predicting buyer behaviour. Marketing consultants will be able to use AI to determine what customers want and need before they even know it themselves, resulting in a seamless customer experience and more effective and targeted marketing campaigns. Additionally, AI will allow for more sophisticated customer segmentation, which will help to improve overall ROI on marketing campaigns.
Bark Consulting’s Stance? Game On…
Artificial intelligence is quickly becoming an essential tool for digital marketing, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by the Bark Consulting team. Through the use of various AI tools consultants at Bark are able to provide clients with the most effective and efficient marketing campaigns possible. We are committed to using AI to its fullest potential in order to help our clients achieve their marketing goals.
Say Hello and stay ahead of the curve and get a head-start on competitors arriving late to the game.
This article is not about where marketing agencies have failed us in the past or how they even continue to do so now. Every business owner has a story of being sold down the river in one way or another, but this is not the focus. I want to look forward, to take stock of a changing world and industry to see what works better, to see how my clients, and yours, can benefit from a more flexible approach by using Digital Marketing Consultants.
I’m not a fan of using buzzwords like ‘disruption’, but disruption in the digital marketing industry is exactly what I want to talk about here.
Agencies, no matter their size, ambition, dynamism, or any of the other words they love using to describe themselves, have to contend with certain ways of doing things to ensure their growth, survival, or the simple ability to pay their bills.
They must prioritise certain clients, have to apply more creativity to some and template their work on others. A business with 50 employees and over 200 clients simply cannot do things any other way.
The more competitive their pricing, the more this conundrum shines through, and the more the quality of their campaigns suffers.
As time moves on, marketing customers expect more, trust a little less, and want results at less of a cost and in less time. This makes the agency model a little less practical by the day, and the time is coming where a viable replacement is needed.
This is where a consulting model, one that is far more pro-consumer, comes in.
You might roll your eyes at the term ‘digital marketing consultant’, an agent by any other name is still an agent, right?
Not necessarily. The approach varies and makes all the difference. Let’s look more closely at how:
Any agency, almost without fail, has to default to a state of churning out uninspired, serviceable, but ultimately templated marketing campaigns.
They simply don’t have the time nor resources to give each client an approach that is tailored to their business, budget, and marketing goals. They have to keep their heads above a sea of constantly incoming work just to stay alive.
It doesn’t matter how many times they use the word ‘bespoke’ on their website, they can only give that to you to a certain degree before they simply can’t keep up with what’s on their plate.
I’ve come to call this the Digital Factory, something that my time spent in agencies has acquainted me with. Ticking off items on my to-do list until they are all done, and I can wear my burn out like a badge of honour, in a way that agents tend to do proudly while their clients are stuck revelling in averageness.
Consulting, by its very nature, avoids this at all costs. Collections of clients are smaller, more personal, and are developed through building a relationship of trust and mutual understanding.
It is about proving your professionalism and experience time and time again, making space and time to treat each client as though their business was your own and you are personally responsible for their success and growth.
Consulting is about knowing a client’s business intimately enough to give it the kind of personal attention that an agent cannot do while juggling hundreds of others.
A consultant may utilise a network of professionals and contacts that they trust to get the job done, in many more cases a consultant will handle things personally. In all cases, the consultant themselves accepts accountability for results.
Dealing with agencies is often different. Client Services (even when called something else) is just the smile at the front. Then there is the salesperson who you might only see when an opportunity for an upsell comes along.
They will both tell you about how some-task-or-another has been handled by an obscure and faceless team that you can only imagine as a concept; how the ball has been dropped by a John or Jane Doe who may or may not even exist as far as you’re concerned.
Worse still, they may hook you in with promises of one of the best teams in the industry, and then pawn your campaign off on to their interns.
The point is that there is very limited accountability at best in an agency. A consultant, the name and face of your marketing approach, is always accountable. Their professional reputation is at stake, and they will do their best to keep it in the green.
Insights into the messy structure of teams detailed above brings up another concern, one that every agency suffers from to some degree, that of communication, both internally and with clients.
Too often I have seen entire projects fall apart in agencies simply because something got lost in translation, someone forgot to mention something, or didn’t get the memo.
Separate teams of graphic artists, web builders, SEO experts, client liaisons, salespeople, and managers all communicating the needs of hundreds of clients as cohesively as they can, often making mistakes because communication gets complicated as they scale up.
Digital marketing consultants do things differently: Teams are structured to be small and intimate. The idea is simplification and cohesion. Personnel are selected based on track-record, existing relationships, and skill, not value for money.
Then there is the issue of external communication, getting the client on the same page as you.
How many templated, barely informative reports about ad spend and performance have you had to go through on your own? How many times have you told your agency that you only want to hear about results, but had to sit through an hour-long lecture filled with abbreviations you don’t fully understand?
Consultants communicate on your terms but prefer to keep you as much in the loop as possible. It’s your money, your business, your marketing campaign.
I wanted to put this one higher up on the list, because I think it addresses a cardinal sin that the digital marketing agency model has simply gotten away with for far too long… Contracts.
But ‘contracts’ is an ugly word, so here it sits at the bottom of this article where only the brave readers (like you) who have made it to the end, will find it.
I dislike contracts, and I think they open too many opportunities for substandard work and ultimately, buyers’ remorse.
During my time in an agency environment, contracts were a persistent sore point for clients, almost after the very moment they signed one. Being locked into a 12-month contract for a service that costs more than it makes is never a nice feeling; and does nothing for trust.
While consultants and contracts are not exactly exclusive from each other, consultants do have the flexibility to prefer not using them.
Fewer running expenses, and a more personalised approach to services, means building a relationship with clients where the value speaks more volumes and keeps people retained far better than any contract would.
Personal and professional relationships are built on trust and transparency, results and quality become the yardsticks by which a consultant measures the strength and success of these relationships, not binding terms and conditions.
I could go on about the benefits of this ‘disruption’, but at over a thousand words this article has probably kept your interest for about as long as it should. It is galvanising to see how the industry is changing, professionals with serious experience in the meat-grinder marketing factories are branching out an improving how their skills translate to what clients really want.
Find out more about how your business can take advantage of this changing landscape, work directly alongside personal digital marketing consultants that give your business the personal attention it deserves. Visit the Bark Consulting website for details.
Walk into any Long Street bar or Melrose Arch café and there’s a good chance you’ll hear the word ‘disruptive’ being casually tossed around. No, this is not breaking news – ‘disruptive innovation’, ‘disruptive marketing’ and a host of other ‘disruptive-suffix’ terms have been doing the rounds for quite some time. The ‘new normal’, however, has made the concept more relevant than ever.
The Future of Disruptive Innovation
Let’s be honest – very few are turned on by the term ‘new normal’, but the concept is unavoidable. Things are new, and normalising our surroundings is a coping mechanism that aims to stabilise. So why rock the boat by disrupting? Because stasis doesn’t breed innovation.
To mould the ‘new normal’ into the best possible future, innovation is needed. Disruption aims to break down outdated thought-processes and usher in fresh processes to deal with contemporary realities. The realities of business in 2021 and beyond include a rapid shift in what have for the longest time been standard business practices such as typical working hours and an office-based workforce. It also calls for a better understanding of the processes that keep businesses afloat in a world where just about everything happens online.
Disrupting Digital Marketing
Business owners who rely on online advertising to drive new business are more often than not at the mercy of ad agencies. Though many execs are tech-savvy enough to hold their own in a conversation about Bitcoin or Zoom, the intricacies of the back-end systems that market their products and services online often seem indecipherable. Naturally, a consulting bridge between agencies and those businesses that they serve should only result in higher levels of transparency and efficacy.
Bark Consulting
Bark Consulting came into existence to act as a buffering zone between South African Digital Marketing agencies and business owners. Fueled by an ethos of transparency and efficiency, Bark Consulting offers advisory and auditing services to those business owners who need a Digital Watchdog in their yard. From auditing existing campaigns and media spends to running seminars and training sessions, consulting services have become invaluable to business owners who need more control over their business’ online presence. And if that means disrupting the digital marketing industry by removing some barriers and empowering business owners, so be it. It might just become the ‘new’ new normal.
Digital Marketing Consultant VS Agency: What’s the Difference?
If you are a business owner, business executive or have experience with marketing of any kind, you would have had some form of contact with digital marketing consultants or agencies. Questions we often get asked include: “What’s the difference between the two?” and “Which is better for my business?” Knowing the difference will likely help decision makers to choose the right fit for their business.
While agencies are often about getting as many clients as possible and retaining these clients through the use of binding contracts, a digital marketing consultant tends to work with a few select clients. Some consulting firms (such as Bark Consulting) do not believe in contracts at all, and work in good faith on the principle that there will be no issues with regards to payments for a job well done.
While there is nothing wrong with how agencies operate per se (indeed agencies will have bigger teams and can therefore handle more clients) a consulting agency will more likely have a personalised approach. In practice, an agency will likely tell you that they are the experts in their field and you should leave everything up to them, whereas a digital marketing consultant will be more inclined to take a vested interest in your business and thereafter use their skills and experience to help reach marketing goals set by business owners.
Having teams within teams working on a single project with one goal in mind can often leave marketing strategies and campaign execution disjointed. Bureaucracy and inflexibility with regards to processes and red tape can often result in an impasse and deadlines being missed. While there are obvious benefits and advantages to having teams tackle large campaigns, in an age where the customer journey and experience is of the utmost importance, having a strategy conceived and executed by a single professional has its merits.
Level of Influence
Typically, agencies consist of a few experienced individuals at the top fleshed out by a smattering of newbies and interns doing the groundwork. Digital marketing consultants, on the other hand, often boast senior level cross-discipline experience. With years of experience (often spanning multiple industries) consultants tend to operate at senior levels, speaking the language of the ‘C’ suite. This ability to be as comfortable in a boardroom as they are in front of a laptop makes successful consultants a breed of their own who can truly impact business operations at the highest level.
With lower overheads and a business ecosystem that relies on personal connections as opposed to mass-targeting and large teams of salespeople, consultancies tend to be more affordable than agencies. That said, this fact does not translate into a lesser service. Conversely, with a high degree of focus, attention and accountability resting on the shoulders of the few, consultancies often offer services that supersede the machine-like output typical of large agencies.
Bark Consulting
Ad Agesaid it best in one of their recent articles, aptly titled Consultancies Rising: “The growth [in consultancies] means that executives at some of the world’s most established agencies are looking over their shoulders.” At Bark Consulting, we sit proudly in the consultancy corner and take pride in our ethical, personalised service. Say hello and start the conversation that will change the way you deal with the digital marketing industry in South Africa.